The Basufcuma 305 Witchcraft—death 11 Sebo "—death Death sentences for witchcraft are carried out by beating with sticks Death sentences on a " sebo" are earned out by exposure " Sebo" means a creature of ill omen A child may be a "sebo" under the following circumstances (a) If it is presented at birth m the reverse position (6) If the eyes are affected at birth (c) If the teeth in the upper jaw appear before the teeth m the lower jaw when teething begins "If a season of great drought made matters critical for the herds of cattle, a search would be made for a. " sebo," and the child would be put to death by exposure This, of course, is a rainmaker's artifice, and he has many other tricks for hunting out witches .when the rain is not forthcoming The witches are all m favour of good weather, and are therefore recognised as the enemies of the rainmaker and the people generally, especially in the height of the dry season The spirits of ancestors, when they are displeased, are also said to have a liking for fine weather These, however, are easily appeased All that is necessary is to slaughter a goat on the ancestor's grave, eat the flesh, and strew the bones around on the grave After this sacrifice the spirits are said to change their opinion, and go in, as a body, for wet weather BIRTHS The birth of twms is a great calamity amongst the Basukuma It foretells $ prolpnged drought and great, suffering amongst cattle and people The puzzled rainmaker is' very quick at detecting anything abnormal, and m his own. interests is bound 20